Friday, November 4, 2011

Whitney, Whitney Oooh Ahhh

It can be difficult being tall, gorgeous and successful.
Personal experience, obviously.

Another chic chick who knows a lot about this is Whitney Port, star of MTV's The Hills and The City...but you knew that...

Actually, she is so familiar, she is heading straight to the Chi to fill us in on such devastation. 

November 12th calls for Design Your Life, an event designed to encourage fabulously fashionable, independent women (boys, you're invited too).
This fashion and lifestyle interactive seminar is inspired by Whitney’s book 
True Whit: Designing a Life of Style, Beauty and Fun
Smart too, eh? Perfect!

Basically, if you want to be simply marvelous like Whitney, you should come. I'll be there...what? Any grand gal knows, we can always use a few new tips.

The especially cool thing is that Miss Whit will be directing us on what we need to add to our wardrobes, divulging the must-haves from her fashion design brand Whitney Eve, and highlighting the go-to Chicago shops of which to fill our winter wardrobes with.

Come learn a valuable lesson from a true beaut...the array of autumn-inspired drinks, hors d'oeurves, goodies and red carpet photo shoot doesn't hurt either. 

Get it girl.
Thanks for the photo, Dime Productions!